My list of intended posts grows longer by the day. I know the last few have been moderately pitiful but they weren't meant to be. Everything is alright here. I definitely knew that I would work nearly to the point of exhaustion (even past it) if I took this job. I enjoy the rigourous work 95% of the time and apparently I blog during the other 5%.
We're now in Event 12 and I'm catering for 94 people, which is about 15 more people than will comfortably fit int he dining room, and with 1 less volunteer than I'm used to having. Cooking for 115 (that's guests and staff) is not any harder than cooking for 70, but the cleanup is a pain. I'm doing my best to enjoy it now because I know I'll miss the excitement when autumn comes and there are no more guests knocking at my hatch making ridiculious requests.
In other news:
More "special diets" this week. I usually meet with guests with Scary Special Dietary requirements--diabetes, celiac, lethal nut allergies--as soon as they arrive to describe how they should go about not eating posion food and my own procedures for special food. You know. I have about a billion speical diets this weeek--seriously, the list is a page long, so I couldn't remember who was who. The first little girl I met I said "I'm meeting with you because you have an allergy to something...what is it again?"
She said "Oh, I'm not allergic to anything"
I said "Are you sure?"
Her Leader replied "Oh, I bet your mom wrote down Nuts" Nut allergies are usually fairly serious. I was concerned that she wasn't aware of a potential fatal allergy.
The little girl said "Oh yes, when I eat nuts I get a headache" I said "Well, the museli has nuts in it, you should probably not eat that" She said "I eat museli at home" Ahh!!! Whateves.
Oh, here's another fun story! Last night while I was sleeping, and minding my own business, I felt something crawling on my face. I flicked it off quickly and was starting to go back to sleep when I began imagining that it was a spider I had just removed from my face. This happens all the time to everyone I'm sure...that familiar nightmare where there are spiders crawling all over your face and pillow. Or is it just me? So I started to panic. I jumped out of bed and turned on the light and started to look for the phantom spider. And I found it. It was the size of a Buick, a dinner plate. Normally I remove spiders calmly, gently, with a jar or something but I was so disturbed by it crawling around on my face that I squashed it. Poor spider.
RIP: Spider that was on my Face.
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