In other news. The worst thing Ever has happened to me. The mail came. My Righteous Babe order came. The envelope was empty.
"Sarah, this is not funny, where are my CDs?" Like Sarah would tamper with mail, seriously.
I've sent a note to the Righteous Babe authorities. I even resisted the urge to call them Jackasses. I am doing my best to make it through this difficult time with grace, but it is proving difficult. The Ani concert is next week. If I don't get to hear the new album before then I'm going to be Really Really Pissed. I may have to resort to Piracy. I know, I's Illegal and Ani wouldn't like it. But this is her fault. I'm drying my tears with the invoice sheet.
In other news, last night we had a slumber party.
We played Spots on the Floor, or Chalet-Rules-Twister
We dressed up as beautiful ladies and had a dance party. See, that's the Sprinkler.
opps, didnt think oil would be that expensive! they were *really* good fish and chips though, I don't think they would have tasted the same with out of date oil. At least it wasn't as disastrous as Jenas lasagna - we didnt make a mess, were just expensive! :)
and, you guys must have far too much time on your hands looking at everything you are getting up to!
i can sense you are penguin dancing a lot these days :-( i hope the thought of a parcel coming your way shortly cheers you up- dont get carried away though, i still need to post it. il get round to it shortly i promise
*tear* misses Chalet life I does...
Hopefully you should have a package from me arriving in the next day or two (I posted it last week).
rach x
glad you got your card, awaiting the news on the new girl, where is she from? regarding the pants, erm, have a look in the bomb shelter? get a new piece of fabric sewn down the side ( i suggest pink fabric)? or, start running up the hill to work? don't stop eating though! there will be plenty of time during your life when you dont have such yummy cakes and delights! oh and update coming soon.. xx
iv updated x
Looks like fun! Your trip looked like fun too. Hope your Music (with a capital M) arrives.
Poor little thing! Will you live? Hey, what do I need to wear to the concert? I've never been to a concert before!! I'm excited!
By the way, why are you guys doing all the fun stuff when I'm not there??
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