I've been doing these assays for about a week (since I figured out how to dissolve that Damn decylubiquinone) and my results have been sporadicly decent. I couldn't figure it out. I didn't want to do it anymore. I was doing experiment after experiment, and never were the results what I expected. Then I looked a little more closely at the data output from the spectrophotometer software (Tammy, seriously What Is "Lm!"? Do you know? Because I can't find the actual explanation anywhere in the software or hardware manuals). The software was supposed to be calculating a slope (you know, change over time) from the absorption data. Drop in absorption = drop in DCIP = enzyme activity. Easy. So, I was taking the calculate "slope" from the data output and trying to make pretty pictures out of those numbers. It wasn't working. It was terrible.
Turns out, the SLOPE is not a slope. It's...something that I can't figure out. But when I calculate the slope manually I get pretty pictures:
In other news: clearly not much is going on down here in Miami. I'm up to my eyeballs in Girl Scout Junk--no parents want to email me back or commit to anything, we've got too many leaders with their hands in the pie and not enough communication. Doug has been dressing like me again. Now I have to get rid of my jean jacket, too. Meredith and I are getting closer to the March 1st 1/2 marathon. And Laura likes Grant now.
i have no idea what you're on about with your work stuff.
me neither, clearly
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