Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Snowed in and an Assortment of News

Cabin fever. Laura and I were snowed in on Monday. We got about a foot over night and the wind was howling--the drifts were probably 4 feet deep in some places.

Ahh Idaho. The good news is that it's melting now. We were able to get out yesterday--went to the Alley with Ben and Hannah. The roads should be plenty clear for our departure early Saturday morning. The itinerary looks like this:

10th: Salt Lake
11th: Vegas-ish
12th: Tucson
13...14...15...New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida

Then, a few days after that, I'll be hitting the road with Meredith to do some collecting: Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas.

In other news: I registered for the March 1st Miami half marathon. Who's running with me? Anyone, Anyone?

And, finally, I got a haircut. A real one, not from a vol. (though Ruth was getting to be quite adept at hair cutting)


Meredith said...

Oooh Oooh I want to run! (Especially since the Field trip is cancelling my current race)

Anonymous said...

have a good trip! have you seen our new idea on facebook?

hair looks better! less mop-ish! and a bit more professional than my hacking!

JET said...

Very Cute.

I wish I could make it to America by March 1, but as wonderful a runner as I am, I just can't leave Switzerland quite that early. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

so what the hell are you doing? you're not updating your blog... I swear to god if I have to deal with this all the time, I'm going to take a dump on your rug. later.