Sunday, August 22, 2010

Out of Africa

Hi Everyone. I'm back. After a really really long plane ride yesterday (20 hours in the air) we landed safely in Miami and even got our luggage back. The best part is that customs didn't inspect the 20 thousand vuvuzelas we brought back with us. I'm pretty sure there's an import limit on those things. Aren't they considered weapons of mass annoyance or something?

First thing I did when I got home was look around for my phone, you know to call my mother and tell her I was alive. No phone. No phone anywhere. Hummm where could it be, I wondered. And then, I knew it. I knew where it was--it was in my car. The car that was broken into the day that I left for Africa. Which meant that my phone was probably stolen. I logged into my account and sure enough, there's an $800 phone bill and my account has been suspended. AWESOME.

What a nice welcome home. If you're waiting for a call from me it's going to be a few days before I get my new phone. Then, Laura went to South Miami for some bike team meeting and on the way back she got a flat tire. She took the car to a tire place and I guess since the nail was in the tread they couldn't repair it.

I dealt with all that nonsense, unpacked my bag and promptly fell asleep on the couch at about 6pm.

Replacement phone: $85.
New tire: $85.
Being home, priceless.

And now for your viewing pleasure:

South African children sing their hearts out.

1 comment:

bob said...

Glad you had a good Trip Kate! in case you need my number, it's 208-596-5492!