Tuesday, October 21, 2008

AniAniAniAniAniAniAni!!! and EuroExtravaganza Finalized

Hi! Tomorrow is the Ani Concert!!!! She's playing in Milano right now, and tomorrow at this time she will be saying "Hi! I remember you, this is what...your 7th time? I like what you've done with your hair and where did you get such a smart top?" That's right, I've already picked out my outfit so I know exactly what she's going to say. I hope she plays all of my favorite songs.

In other news. Laura and I have finalized the EuroExtravaganza itinerary. We realized we were a bit unrealistic when we planned to visit every European country in 14 days--both in terms of basic laws of physics and economically. Also, here's a fun fact, EasyJet is cheap but you need to be a master of combinatorial mathematics to figure out how to get from place to place: they only offer certain destinations from certain airports. What a nightmare. So with all those factors acting we came up with this plan, friends around the world get out your planners and pencil me in:

(All dates are in units of November)

London 4th - 6th
Prague 6th- 8th
Milan 8th
Venice 9th-10th
Milan 11th
Barcelona 11th-14th

Ruth, Katie, Catherine and Rachel. I expect a bonfire. Magdelana, perhaps if you have time you could take me to that castle you kept promising?


Anonymous said...

the problems is that if you are staying in london none of us are that area to know what bonfire night things will be going off. *sigh* i'm sure we can work something out though!

Anonymous said...

opps, meant to also say that i hope you have a great time at the concert tomorrow! :D

Anonymous said...

november 5th is a maybe possible possibility for me to leave the far distant north of England and head south... :)
I'll have to check train prices and whatnot...
I'll let you know, it would be great to meet up (though i've only been to London about 3 times, so I'm not your best option for a tourguide)

Anonymous said...

Have fun at the Ani concert!! You must be unbelievably hyper right about now! have a good time :)

Anonymous said...

I'm looking out for the blog and photos!!!

Where are you staying when you are in London? Pax lodge? have you booked all your flights yet, Ryan air are pretty cheap too but like easy jet they dont fly to every airport and vary across europe.

ps we're (currently Catherine and me, and waiting to hear back from Rachel and Katie if they can make it too) looking into bonfires in London for you both :-D