I've been getting a lot of packages lately, it makes me really really happy and Sarah has started calling my daily pile in the office the Popularity Pile. This makes me feel awfully good considering sometimes I still feel the sting of highschool rejection. Seriously? Did I just say that? Well, it's nice to be a cool kid these days.
Ruth: I shared one drumstick, good, right?
Mom: I've already decorated 2 cakes and have started reading the Ladies' Detective Agency book. Thanks!
Today I recieved a package from Magdalena, from the Ceska Republika.
I've never seen so many beautiful stamps. They must be reproductions of famous national paintings...they're huge and make the envelope itself some sort of art piece. I may frame it. Thanks Magdalena, oh and the candy was super too. I may even share it.
At lunch, we had a nice conversation about Moon-Pies, which lead us to a conversation about Bimbo Frosting Toast which lead us into fine mexican cuisine. So we had a Fiesta! for dinner. I had to make everything from scratch--except the refried beans which we've had hanging out in the food cellar since before I got here--I even managed to find both cilantro and avacados at the Coop. It was delicious.
After dinner, I figured out how to play the Mexican Hat Dance on the guitar while Jena taught everyone how to dance. Well, I could only figure out the beginning part, not the middle part, so we had to sing it ourselves.
The Cabana has NOTHING on us at The Chalet. We may have to send them pictures of our awesome Fiesta to show them how we do it International Style. I wonder how often they have Fondue Nights?
Confidential to Zebra:
I have lots of Appenzellers for you, do you mind if they're out of date? I think you're the only one who likes them!
In other news: Here are some pictures I've taken recently that make me smile.
We had a Royal Dinner. It involved cake with peas in it (princess cake) and tin foil crowns. We discussed the Queen Mother's financial state and the annual Fox-Tail hunt.
Mom: Aren't you glad you donated some fancy cake decorating stuff to the Chalet? Look at the classy things we come out with. This is a Hellen Storrow cake....She's the American woman who donated all the money to build the Chalet. We say that the Main Chalet is still haunted by her ghost. I'm sure Mrs. Storrow is currently rolling in her grave...
The Kitchen is THE PLACE TO BE! On her days off, Jen sometimes hangs out and does arts and crafts in the kitchen. Right now she's making a rug for my apartment. How sweet is that?
I really dont mind that they are out of date :)
Was your royal dinner realating to the British monarchy? If it was then I would expect that the financial state of the Queen Mother would be pretty dire been as she is dead!
I love the cake! It makes me want to fly to Switzerland for my birthday so you can make me one like it.
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