Monday, November 3, 2008


Greetings from Basel! Laura and I made it here just fine. We're staying in the YMCA which is sterile and very Christian. We shared the dining room tonight with a very cult ish group of girls. They're having a presentation of some sort, it's been going on for over 2 hours. They're all very stylishly dressed in black or brown or grey. They had two girls prepare dinner for them, and they even set the table! Wait, this is sounding an awful lot like a cult I may or may not be a part of--where one or two girls prepare dinner for about 8 others and they even set the table. I guess I'm allowed to be disdainful because they're Not in costume. They're speaking in German but I recognize the word Munster. That's church, right?

Tomorrow we're off to a kinetic sculpture museum and then on to London in the evening. I'm super excited to meet up with the summer volunteers on Wednesday--we're celebrating Guy Fawlks day! Remember remember. Though I have no clue how to spell Fawlkes.....

Hope to update again soon


Meredith said...

How was London? Did you wear a Mask?

Anonymous said...

We were in Penarth, Wales on Guy Fawkes day once when Bianca was about three years old. She watched the fireworks fly over the channel and ate fish and chips!