Here are the numbers:
- 3800--miles
- 6 --days
- 5--am wakeup
- 7--am low tide (that means, we were waiting at the site for approximately 6 hours before it came back)
- 1--lobster I dismembered and ate
- 6--subway sandwiches
- 3 minutes--time it takes for me to eat a 6 inch sandwich = time it takes dlc to eat a 12 inch sandwich
- 500--fish in 5 Rubbermade tubs
- 157--peanuts/raisins thrown at me while driving by dlc while bored
- 15--hours of sleep in proper bed
- 5--minutes dlc was out of the van at our first stop before he was seriously stuck in the mud
sounds like fun! where are the photos?!
when I get home.
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