Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Field Trips

I went to Maine with dlc a few weeks ago. It was a good trip. I got fish and some ugly postcards and mostly enjoyed myself.

Here are the numbers:

  1. 3800--miles
  2. 6 --days
  3. 5--am wakeup
  4. 7--am low tide (that means, we were waiting at the site for approximately 6 hours before it came back)
  5. 1--lobster I dismembered and ate
  6. 6--subway sandwiches
  7. 3 minutes--time it takes for me to eat a 6 inch sandwich = time it takes dlc to eat a 12 inch sandwich
  8. 500--fish in 5 Rubbermade tubs
  9. 157--peanuts/raisins thrown at me while driving by dlc while bored
  10. 15--hours of sleep in proper bed
  11. 5--minutes dlc was out of the van at our first stop before he was seriously stuck in the mud
Ahhh, it was good to get home after that.


Ruthie said...

sounds like fun! where are the photos?!

Loft Offcourse said...

when I get home.