Friday, June 5, 2009

I'm Scared!!!

Laura is gainfully employed. Five months and no work until this week and then she's got 2 jobs at once! Wow! Anyway: she's a big wig at the museum now, or something, and they wanted her to go to the opening of a new exhibit (And we ALL know how museum openings go--monsters, blood, creepy preternaturally intelligent albinos...) so of course she can't miss that.

Except! There's a baseball game tonight. So I no go to your opening, baseball doesn't trump Gainful Employment. I was feeling a big disappointed all day (You know, woe is me, I'll miss the baseball game...) but now I don't feel so bad:

Looks like there might not BE a game at all. That big scary red blob has been there for over an hour. The storm is FORMING RIGHT ON TOP OF US! It's not leaving!

I'm not sure if I've ever seen it rain as hard as it is now. I can barely see the building next to me. The rain is falling in sheets and I'm afraid I'll have to wade to my car. (oh no! I think something at the Seaquarium was just struck by lightning--I hope it wasn't Lolita the Whale).


bob said...


bob said...

Ruthie said...

oh no!! hold on to something! Don't blow away. get out of florida!!!!! the safe way! it sounds horrific!

Worried Ruthie said...

are you still alive. post something. please post something so i know you're alive!