And where have YOU been?
I've been to Maine (and all the states between here and there) and Georgia (where the mosquitoes really ARE that big) and am trying fish husbandry out. If there were levels to fish keeping, like belts in karate, I'd be at the "Walmart Fish Section" one.
Here's to June and the start of Hurricane Season. Stay tuned. I've got some good pictures.
Phew, finally! We've been here, anxiously waiting and wondering. How about Postcards on Demand? Surely you've received some during the past three months?
you think you have seen big misquitos? ha. the second wave of them are here in alaska. they are smarter, faster and more aggressive than the first wave. they are so big here they are impervious to high winds, they are like freakin eagles soaring on the thermals.
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