Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Do your part to save the Economy!

An old camp friend of mine, Mrs. Sheats, was in town for the weekend. She was here on a business trip. Her off season job (when she's not at camp) is selling security systems.

We spent some time recounting old adventures, new Epic Stories (she is the queen of attracting crazies, and also a very vibrant story teller), and of course describing our latest encounters with the Supernatural. This is the best part about Girl Scout friends, we get to enjoy a time warp. Whenever we meet, we can pick up right where we left off. Two years has passed since we last saw each other, or really even talked, but you wouldn't know it.

The most exciting story of daring and adventure this time was about her recent wedding. "Wedding?" you might ask. How is it possible that Mrs. Sheats has gone and gotten herself a marriage license in Washington state? You know...considering that she's gay and all. Well, apparently she read an article on Yahoo news about how people were imploring young men and women to get married ( I can't remember the reason: perhaps to save traditional marriage?) So she took it to heart and found herself a nice gay boy to marry. Now she has health insurance and tax benefits and is all gay-married (hyphenated, it means two gay people of opposite sexes who have a legal state-recognized marriage. Otherwise the term is Married--where two people who love each other make a life long commitment blah blah blah) .

I don't think gay-marriage is for me, but if any of you all out there want to stick it to the man and find yourself a nice gay boy or girl to get legally gay married to. Here's a nice video extolling the economy saving virtues of the more romantic type of gay marriage. Please watch it, it's very very good, and it has Jack Black in it.

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