Monday, July 27, 2009

Boston Part 3, FINALLY

Greetings from Idaho! It's a lovely 60 degrees, I can see for at least 20 miles off the back deck and Max-the-dog-that-wont-die is looking spry and rolling around. The sound of a cat-fight drifts in through the window. It's lovely here.

But...the purpose today is to take you on a tour of terrific (and sometimes terrible) taxidermy of the Harvard Museum of Natural History.


Coelecanth. Check.

Things I don't want to hit with my car:
Anything with Tusks.

Giant armadillos. Note the regular sized armadillo..I've already hit one of those, it was bad enough.
Or bunny squirrel hybrids.
Tour of terrible taxidermy

Here kitty kitty kitty. Just in case museum goers of yore had never seen a house cat? Here's a stuffed one.
And finally, the Science Lab section. Ha Ha Ha.


Ruthie said...

do armadillos nuzzle?

Unknown said...

I thought they did a very good job of making the house cat look like it was about to throw up on the carpet.