Thursday, March 26, 2009


Work is REALLY boring. We're annotating a gene list...boring boring boring. Sometimes I hate genes. Why are there so many databases? Why can't we just name a gene and get it over with? Why do we need to name a gene 8 times? Why does everybody need a turn to name the same thing? What is WRONG with fly-genetics-people?

The problem is that the databases AND species all have different naming schemes and the don't overlap. This would be like saying that in France a cat is called a Pointy Eared Meowie Thing while in Germany it's called a Fuzzy Friend, in the US it's called a nauseum. How do you know that you have the same thing, without looking at a picture of a cat? How did you know that zwischenferment is really the same thing as G6PD? Tedious.

Right now, I'm waiting for Dlc to finish lunch because I finished MY gene list and need to have him teach me some SAS. To fill the time I'm aliquot-ing some DMSO that came in last week. I can never get over how awesome DMSO is...I mean, I'm terrified of getting cancer or whatever from it...but it's a solid at room temperature. How wild is that? Ice that isn't COLD. Woah!!!

I wish I trained Dolphins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is DMSO and how mightyou get cancer from handling it?
