Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Free Form Book Club Meeting #1

Thanks to a miserable 1.5 hour journey to school by bus this morning, I've finished Stiff.

There are some really banal discussion questions in the back of the book, like "Why do people want to work with cadavers?  Would YOU want to work with a cadaver, or is that Icky?  Discuss."  Common' it's someone's job to write these things.  It might as well be mine.

So here are the new discussion questions, and you don't even have to have read the book to weigh in:

1.  Which is a more offensive word made up specifically to describe something yucky, abortus or cremains?
2.  Where do you want your left overs to end up?
3.  How much is a cadaver worth anyway?  I saw figures around $500.  I think I'm worth more, what about you?

I'd like to be cremated (or freeze dried, should the technology ever catch on) and dumped under a tree somewhere at Camp St. Albans, preferably in the chapel area.  I realize that this will probably have to be a clandestine remains scattering, and I hope that there is lots of fence climbing and middle of the night shenanigans involved.  Don't tell Lav. 


Anonymous said...

Could you finish the chapter about bodies sitting vats of honey? I though I was going to be sick and will spare the other readers the details.

Anonymous said...

1. I think abortus is way grosser
2. I don't care, so long as no one is staring at my body after I'm dead. Under a tree sounds nice though.
3. I'd like to think that I'm invaluable. Probably not much though, especially since I don't have any gold teeth.