Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Left to my own devices

Laura was racing on Sunday so I was home in the morning all by my lonesome. I decided that it would be a good idea to paint another wall. The bedroom has a weird little doorway that's basically like they cut the corner off of the room so that more doors would fit into the little alcove between the living room and the back rooms/bathroom. There are five doors in a little space. It is sort of like a house of mirrors, or one of those nightmare houses where you run and run and open one door after another and then they just lead to more doors. Or maybe that nightmare is unique to me. Anyway so the doorway has its own little diagonal wall that's only slightly bigger than the door. I painted that wall turquoise put a huge lightning bolt on the adjacent long wall and then finished up by painting that same long wall turquoise up to the half way part, with a white border around the lightning bolt there. As soon as I find my camera I'll post pictures but for now use your imagination. It kind of looks like a comic book, or a dorm room (that's what Laura said).

I finished that by 10, Laura was home by 11 and then we went shopping. I bought these AWESOME new shoes. They're called Lunarlite Racers. LUNAR! I think they're designed by NASA! (or at least Nike masquerading as NASA) They weigh something like 5 ounces for the pair. I test drove these a few years ago before they were officially released and when I was still a member of the Nike Running Club. I've been dreaming of them ever since (good dreams, not like the nightmare house of endless doors dreams). The best part about them is that they look like bowling shoes. Oh, and they're comfortable. I was so excited about getting them that I ran to school this morning, and then wore them to step aerobics tonight. They're HOT HOT HOT.


Did I mention that they weigh like 5 ounces? That makes them perfect camp shoes for backpacking. It just doesn't get any better than that. Well, the only thing better is the fact that I'm having an awesome dinner and listening to even more awesome musicl.

OK, guess what I'm eating for dinner.

Did you say "Ramen with peas and mayonnaise"?

You did? You're Right!

Now, guess what song I'm listening to. Right now!

"Adventures of Isabelle" from Natalie Merchants kick ass new album "Leave Your Sleep" It's an Ogden Nash (!) Poem set to music. It goes like this....

"Bear said 'Isabelle glad to meet ya! How do Isabelle, now I'll Eat you!'"


Anonymous said...

I think this is my favorite Ogden Nash poem, though I can't be sure he wrote it:

When you hit the ketchup bottle,
None comes out and then a lottle.

Loft Offcourse said...

Behold the Duck,

It does not cluck,

A cluck it lacks.

It quacks.

Anonymous said...

Canary...blah blah blah, then he rhymes molting and revolting. I like that one. I also really like your shoes (I want a pair!), and think the only thing that would have made your dinner better would have been the addition of bacon.