Thursday, May 13, 2010

The most beautiful thing in the world

I have a really really nice back yard. It's not totally fenced, but Scott is getting better and better about not running willy nilly through the neighborhood if I turn around for a second. There have been a few times that I've had to run around and ask the neighbors "Pero Negro? Pero Negro?" and they point and such and pantomime a stupid looking dog running around with a leash on. Obviously I've always found him after he runs off. After the last time he made a break for it I went and bought a long rope and kept him tied up to the mango tree anytime we were out. Recently he's been showing some interest in playing fetch so I've been letting him off the rope some.

It's nice that the dogs have a place to run around, but that's not even the best part about my back yard. This is:

Go ahead and ignore the telephone wires and nasty invasive vines. Look right in the middle, at those glorious dangling blobby things. Those are baby mangoes. In a few weeks they will be ripe mangoes and they will begin falling to the ground in the most glorious state of ripeness. I think that ripe mangoes right off the tree are what angels eat.

Here's some other pics from the back yard....

The dogs got bandanas from Weird Florida. It's a show on PBS where a guy and his dog drive around Florida looking for weird stuff like the Skunk Ape or Two Egg Florida. On their website they offer doggie bandanas for free if you promise to send back a picture of your dog wearing one. We had a little photo shoot. Aren't they adorable?

This is the hammock I bought for Laura in New Orleans. We only have one tree so I had to modify it to be a seat, since I could only hang it from one branch, and that one branch is only so long. Looks comfy, wish we had two!

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

Granite the wonder dog! she's amazing! and go Scott!! he's learning!