Or: The biggest pain in the ass because the locals know more about how we should do the party than we do. It's tradition after all.
I baked a lot of cookies.
Carey made a LOT of fruit/vegetable/cheese trays.
The other staff decorated the dining hall, and were very tired of stars and snowflakes and sparkley things.
The volunteers made an outside christmas tree display.
Girls World Wide Say: Merry Christmas!!!
And we survived the night! The program went well. Our guests were very pleased with our pathetic attempt at a play in german for them. They laughed hysterically at the line "Alle Leute die keine Deutsch sprechen können keine Weihnachten feiern" Which is "People who can't speak German can't celebrate Christmas" which was delivered in a very slow, halting, horribly pronounced way. We sang a lot of songs in a LOT of different languages. I must say this about swiss people: They sing well as a group. It was really nice to hear 60 people singing confidantly and in tune.
Here we are at our "after party" Celebrating the way we made it through the night. Aren't we cute?
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