Monday, July 21, 2008

Tooor Day France

I went to France. That's right. On my bike, which I've named Alice.

We rode up a mountain (ok, it was a 200 vertical meter hill). We crossed under a large Fence-type-thing and Laura said that it was France, but I bought a post card there (so she could use the bathroom--in the real Tour de France they pee right off their bikes!) and they accepted Swiss Francs, so I'm sure it wasn't really France. Also there was no "Welcome to France, Switzerland hopes you come back soon" Sign.
We rode up the hill a bit more, and crossed the actual border. I wanted to continue on to Winkel, France but instead we rode back into Switzerland and continued onto Pourentrey. We saw a large castle but didn't go up to it because it was a cold, windy day. Instead, we ate lunch outside the Coop. We went in with our bikes and nearly got done with our shopping before we were asked to take our bikes back outside.We'd already gone about 35 miles, so we decided to take the train back to Delemont. But the trains weren't running. And the busses wouldn't take our bikes, so we had to ride. Laura said it was all down hill from Pourentrey so I figured we could do it, we'd probably just be a bit cold.

However, it was uphill and it was hot. And when we saw this sign, I started to cry. I threw my bike on the ground and sobbed. But I made it.

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