Friday, September 12, 2008

It's The Weekend!

Yes, it's true, I'm finally getting some days off. I've worked the past 7 days in a row. I'm not dead because it's not Summer. Winter Is Coming, and clearly I've had time to do things like: Observe the pellet delivery closely and hike a mountain. Still, I enjoy having some time off.

The plans this weekend include lots of reading (Sonia! Wow! Thanks for all those books, I've started I Know This Much Is True first because it is the longest, so far it's bloody), and lots of watching TV. The weather has been crummy (good weather for a Duck though), and Laura's been quite ill. She's better now, but would have been better much sooner if she'd sleep or rest sometimes.

I am also planning on constructing a few weevil themed cakes for Laura's lunch at work. They have a ridiculious Lunch Competition. Once a month they are expected to prepare a lavish and expensive meal for the rest of the on site staff. For some reason, they feel the need to out do eachother and there is usually loss of sleep and sometimes crying involved. I don't get it. So, Laura will be preparing some food on Sunday. Hopefully I can guide her in a sensible direction.

Laura: Making 100 small fried indian pies 'till three am the night before is NOT a good idea. How about a nice caserole you can make ahead of time and pop in the oven? Someone else back me up. This lunch thing is out of control.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope you got my email