Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Kindle II

Apparently my mother had a long and well composed argument for why I shouldn't buy a kindle. Something about the tactile value of books. Unfortuntately, this electronic guest book thing doesn't always work and her comment didn't come through in time. I bought a kindle. I love it. Love. Love. Love.

It's like an iPod for books! And, unlike the iPod, the books can be gotten legally for free. Which is a super good thing if you like OLD books like I do. I've downloaded all of the Wizard of Oz books as well as some other novels by L. Frank Baum that I didn't even know existed. I've got the Epic Poem of Finland and all the Andrew Lang Fairy Books. I've got Looking Backward 2000-1887 (which I thought was super appropriate to have on a Kindle), Ulysses and Middlemarch (now I can never getting around to reading them in electronic form, but at least it was free).

When I travel I can have the latest edition of Rick Steve's, every airplane novel I want and the entire western cannon all shoved into 10.2 ounces. It just doesn't get any better than that.

Also I can check my email on my Kindle, or even blog from my Kindle.


Meredith said...

Did you post this from your shiny new kindle?

I'm thinking about joining the electronic revolution, but I want one that will take the format of the ebooks from the library. Will the kindle do that, oh wise kindle owner?

Loft Offcourse said...

No, but I could have.

And, I think the Kindle will do that. You can download public domain stuff from Google or project Gutenberg and I remember seeing something about the library...somewhere...