Apparently my mother had a long and well composed argument for why I shouldn't buy a kindle. Something about the tactile value of books. Unfortuntately, this electronic guest book thing doesn't always work and her comment didn't come through in time. I bought a kindle. I love it. Love. Love. Love.
It's like an iPod for books! And, unlike the iPod, the books can be gotten legally for free. Which is a super good thing if you like OLD books like I do. I've downloaded all of the Wizard of Oz books as well as some other novels by L. Frank Baum that I didn't even know existed. I've got the Epic Poem of Finland and all the Andrew Lang Fairy Books. I've got Looking Backward 2000-1887 (which I thought was super appropriate to have on a Kindle), Ulysses and Middlemarch (now I can never getting around to reading them in electronic form, but at least it was free).
When I travel I can have the latest edition of Rick Steve's, every airplane novel I want and the entire western cannon all shoved into 10.2 ounces. It just doesn't get any better than that.
Also I can check my email on my Kindle, or even blog from my Kindle.
Did you post this from your shiny new kindle?
I'm thinking about joining the electronic revolution, but I want one that will take the format of the ebooks from the library. Will the kindle do that, oh wise kindle owner?
No, but I could have.
And, I think the Kindle will do that. You can download public domain stuff from Google or project Gutenberg and I remember seeing something about the library...somewhere...
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