Friday, April 23, 2010

Right up to here:

Right up to my damn eyeballs. That's where I'm at right now. I won't be un-up-my-eyeballs until Sunday afternoon after I get home from camping with my kiddos. On the docket now

1. Get to school by 7:30 so that I can pull out microscopes and find straws (which I think all disappeared because MyTeacher doesn't keep anything safe and lets the kids just walk around and get their damn sticky fingers all over everything. No boundaries, no boundaries...). Make bromophenol blue solution and then proceed to hope that the lab actually Works.
2. Get to Lab, talk about My Future with dlc. I passed my quals (I was never worried I wouldn't so big freeeeeking deal) so now there's some idea that I need to, you know, get on with it.
3. Move a thousand fish (or 100) from one tank to the next, drain entire 1,000 gallon system.
4. Shop for camping food for 15 people. Anyone got a good chicken kabob marinade recipe?
5. Brownie meeting.
6. Get up at the CRACK of dawn tomorrow and go snorkelling follow with camping.

aaaaaaahhhhhhh! can't wait till its over. can't wait till it's over. See you all on the other side, if I make it through.

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