Sunday, June 8, 2008


I have hot water, I don't want to talk about it.

In other news: I feel bad. Apparently I've hurt Patrick's feelings (and perhaps the feelings of others) by saying that I'm embarassed about what people must think of Americans given their choice of president. I suppose I should not be publicly critical of my country. Is that right? I suppose it's unfair of me to make generalizations that are fueled by my own frustrations.

But I've left out the good parts, I'm sorry. America is a great place, there's lots of stuff I love and miss about it. There are some very beautiful and very protected places in the States--I enjoy being out in the woods and not seeing houses around. I have limited experience with Switzerland, but from what I can tell the population is fairly dense here. America is a place where cultures mix--blend in and out of one another. I suppose this allows an exposure to many different cultures all at once and to a uniquely American take on what culture means.

Still, there's no need to compare. Each place is what it is, by itself. Give me a few more weeks and I'll be able to be more objective. I'm still trying to figure out what Switzerland means, and for the first time I have a view of my home country from the outside, it's hard NOT to compare.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what don't you want to talk about?
Could it be that you have a very small water heater hanging on the wall and it just needed to be turned on? We went through that in Italy and it was a pain in the a.. when the fuse broke or when it was turned off.
I remember those cold shower days.